10 Traits We Should Take on from Olympic Athletes

I’ve been watching the 2016 Olympics in Rio on and off since it started, and I’ve been really impressed with the strength of all the athletes. Even the losers work incredibly hard to even compete at that level. I respect them all so much and wish them well throughout the rest of the competition.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve began to feel inspired by them. Not saying I’m going to start working on my six pack. And I’m definitely not saying I’m going to be in the 2020 Olympics! No, instead I’ve just realised a few things that they do, that I might need to start doing myself in order to get ahead in life.

  1. They plan 4 years in advance (at least): of course there is so many competitions in-between the olympics but when I hear them speak in their interviews, they sound like they already have plans and tactical changes to use for the next olympics in 4 years time.
  2. They have amazing focus: they focus on themselves; they focus on the goal and their technique not what others are doing.
  3. They learn how to lose graciously: b*tchin and moaning when you lose in life won’t change the outcome.
  4. They work on they weaknesses and highlight their strengths: their coaches tell them what they did wrong and they work on it.
  5. They push themselves: harder and harder each time; failure is a lesson.
  6. They work to strict routines everyday: they keep speaking about waking up at 5am and training until late at night; discipline in key to success.
  7. They don’t care about appearances: they’re their to do a job, and they don’t care about their hair when doing it: they care more about what matters, their perspective is amazing; why care about your hair and make up when you have to run 100m in 10 seconds?
  8. They support one another instead of concentrating on destroying the opposition or being jealous: they see no point in rivalry, they recognise that they’re all in the same boat; it’s just about diving in (maybe literally!) and getting your job done.
  9. They travel: of course, their competitions take them all over the world, and that’s amazing; their dreams and goals are taking them to extraordinary places.
  10. They take on criticism and adjust accordingly…


Do these sound about right? Where are your weaknesses and what can you take on board? Good luck. Enjoy the games and support your country!



~ Damsel